Step 1
Step 2
Book time for measurements or just stop by
Browse textiles & styles
Step 3
Step 4
Get your
measures taken
Receive your
tailor made outfit

No small print
We're sure you'll love clothes that are tailored for you - but we know it can be a big decision
That is why we offer that you can be measured and have a sample sewn in test material, completely without obligation. And you only pay for your finished clothes when you LOVE how they fit and feel

An inspiration meeting

At HAASTRUP COPENHAGEN, we believe that great design is when fit, style and textiles together create fantastic clothing, that support the lifestyle and body of the individual.
At an inspiration meeting, you can browse the different style variations and talk to us about what a good fit means to you. We dive into our many different types of textiles, colors and possible uses.
You are completely free to design your own dream garment from a wide range of design elements - or something you've seen on Pinterest.
Last, you can have your measurements taken, so you are good to go if you decide to order your own tailor-made item at some point. It is off course completely non-binding.
We can also simply serve a cup of coffee while you browse our samples.
We are really looking forward to meeting you.
Good reasons to book today
Get to know your size and measurements, which you can use everywhere
Build a sense of which textiles to look for - or avoid
Find the best styles for your body type
Design your own custom outfit if you have one in mind
Your next tailor made outfits are just an e-mail or text away the next time
Avoid returning ill-fitting clothes